Section 4

Section 3
Section 1
The Magazine
Section 2
CoOL ®
Totally Cool ®
The Magazine
outtakes and misc.
Stay Tuned - There Is
Much to experience --
Richard Renda
Editorial Director
ToTaLLy CoOL ®
"The Official Editorial Authority"
copyright 2002
All rights reserved.
A Magazine Alive
On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait -- and Adjust
... your volume.
Section 1:
Our Hat's Off To You ! Melissa Keller, (Mom and Dad), Q Models New York,
and Sports Illustrated ... The Swimsuit Edition 2003 -- get at a newsstand near you,
or at the Library.

Our Hat's
Off To
You !


Q Models
You know they
say ... "once is
Luck. Two times
is Talent."
We know the Legend of a person
who -- someone complained, they
said the word: "Fun" ... too much.
We asked, when can there come
a time that you have too much
Fun ? Thereafter, this person
used to get teased by friends, who
in fun - would say: "You are going
to get arrested for saying the word
Fun. Don't do it !" We all laugh.
Now ... this is ... too much Fun.
Thanks Sports Illustrated.
When you put more fun, more
goodness, into the World what
happens is: there is that much
good in the World than would have
been there before. And that's a
good thing. That's a lot of Fun !
(Oops. Sorry. There's the Word
again. FUN !
The Music Credit:
Superman (It's Not Easy)
Five for fighting feat - John Ondrasik
MTV 2 Handpicked

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