Many others are speaking loudly ...
Jay Leno, Mad Magazine, Conan
O'Brien, CNN Talk Back Live and so
many more.
Nuclear War

ToTaLLy CoOL ®
On the road of what
happens ...
Totally Cool ®
The Magazine
special edition ...
ToTaLLy CoOL ®
"The Official Editorial Authority"
copyright 2003
All rights reserved.
On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait -- and Adjust
... your volume.
A Magazine Alive
Planning a ... War. And The Shuttle blows up
on a particular morning. And who was where ?
In The Promised Land. Planet Earth.
Laurie S. Schechter
"The World's First Vogue Style Editor"

Family Life:
Slanted Justice

The Clock Ticks
Life after Death
Mad gone Mad !
The Poster. "Mad Magazine"
Appearing in the 11th month
2nd year Millennium 2002
A November 2002 Issue.
The Reflections
of our times.
Special Edition
Shuttle Goes Bang
2/1/2003 - with ears raised.
the Sections going
forward. The
School Shootings, West Nile Virus Mosquitos, World Trade Center
Buildings Destroyed, Anthrax in the Mail, D.C. Snipers ... and then
more Karma. The Columbia --
You would think some would learn. You would think the message
is Obvious. In 200 years America has never "started" a War or
been a Nation who "seeks to start a War." Now History is writing
a new truth. Some are calling it. The Bush War vs. The Universe
But What Is The Good News ???
Much of the negativity in our present
day World can still, at this point, be
turned around: reversed. It is not too
late. Well, not ... Yet.
There are many people and many
balanced voices that need to be
heard. To document (preserve)
what happens in these times is
what we are charged to do. We
have 4 criteria within the standards
of Totally Cool ®. Quality, durability,
good value, great fun. How those
standards are affected is something
each individual should be aware of.
In short, it is about your quality of
Life. More positive input translates
to having more good in your life.
Many would say the quality of life
has diminished because so many
more people around the World, and
including within its own country,
hate Americans and what the
American Government represents.
A land of "do as I say not as I do".
To many America appears as a
Nation that will go to any lengths of
Force to get what it wants or cover-
up what it will. In a free World, in a
free Universe -- there would be a big
problem with that. So let's examine
what is happening through the eyes
of others. What people say and
The Music Credit:
31 Seconds
Atlantic Records

Richard Renda
And still, there is good news -- lots of good news.
There is a good side to almost everybody. Stay tuned.
Dear Daddy. The
boy who cried wolf.

The Truck. The Boat.
The Helicopter.

Footnote: at the end of February 2003 lightning
struck in flight an aircraft carrying the brother of
The President of the United States. We were
told. It blew a hole in the... Left Wing.. Mother
nature documentation.
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