Section 1
The Magazine
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Section 3:
The MagaZine
ToTaLLy CoOL ®
The Magazine
Stay Tuned - There Is
Much more to look at --
A Magazine Alive
On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait ... And Adjust
-- your volume.
Totally Cool ®
The Magazine
outtakes and misc.
Richard Renda
ToTaLLy CoOL ®
"The Official Editorial Authority"
Laurie S. Schechter
"World's First Vogue Style Editor"
copyright 2003
All rights reserved.
The Music Credit:

Reply to Light goes on ...
I don't have a lot of time (to write), much work to do, but if I can help you with any information or knowledge
of fact that I know I will be there to share that. Even though I seem to be the one who is persecuted for
helping people who really need the help. I wish I could help more but my faith in people is lower than I
would like. You might (research the web) see what it -the product- did with the "Hanta virus" that occurred
"in the 4 corner states" some years ago -- mid 1990's. U.S. Goverment officials used it as their "only"
"cure." There it was used in an IV, concentrate, form. Sorry I can not do more.

People I know who have used the over the counter product (brought in Mexico) took the product 2 times
daily (1 every 12 hours) for 10 days
. Then they break until they get the "buzzing" again and the possible
appearance of a reoccurance. (About 3 weeks later.) Note, at that time do the same as above. Another
10 days (round 2) (twice daily)
and from there is the wipe out. Reports say: all gone. Do any antibodies
remain in the system ? Probably ... I can not see how there wouldn't be, but -- there is no activity or
reoccurrences that are reported. As a fact, I do know people who have been free for well over 10 years.
Did I forget anything ? I have never known it to work or be complete: without this exact procedure followed
(round 1, round 2). Then I hear nothing but good things. Wish you all the best. White box with blue stripe.
Vilona 400 mg. 12 capsules a box. Ribavirina, in Spanish. Name of the company is ICN Pharmaceuticals.
Friends and associates go over the border from California (San Diego to Tijauana). I am advised the high
end is $80 a box, good price is $40. Look around, it varies from pharmacy to pharmacy. Make sure you
are getting the real thing, not a "bootleg" version. Should have the lot no. and expiration date. Best
regards. Richard

Date: Mon, Sep 2002 21:35:21 -0700
From: Light --
Richard, Thank you so much for getting back to me. After I sent out an email to you I scrolled down the
screen and saw a screed of nasty email dialogues. I'm sorry that people are so cruel. If you find out
anything more on the conspiracy of diseases, please send me a line... Light.
Reply answer:
Question 1. Over the counter -- in any drug store, "anywhere" in Mexico. "Vilona." Make sure you get the
real thing. It is generally said, South of the border California would be a road to travel. Question 2. The
Bradley Group received 10,000 units. You might try the web ... Roger Electronics MR 002. If we hear of
any loose ones around will keep you in mind.

Subject: what do you think .... infomation regarding stories on links and other products.
Date: Wed, 06 Nov 2002 14:00:49 -0500 -- Dave

Richard's Reply -- Read it this morning. Actually was curious enough that I went through all the links.
My only flag raised is I saw words like "has often" and "may result" --- notice, nothing there about
"absolute." Beware beware ... It is like when someone says "I believe" that ... blah blah. "I believe" does
not make it fact or true. But loved the info. There is a difference between "May result" as opposed to
"does result." Do you see what I mean ? When real sickness is concerned real facts can make it better.
"Possibilities" make it that disappointment has greater opportunity. It should be more that something
"does result" in the desired effect. As in wording and / or findings. Richard
Date: Sun, Nov 2002 09:XX:10 -0500 -- From: Dave
"Dave" wrote:
Where can i get Ribavirin ? Also how do i purchase the mosquito repelling device ?
The Insider Files
The Vilona
Through the
Eyes of Science
-- The Rear View --
Vilona a/k/a "Ribavirin" ... available over the counter, Mexico.

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