The MagaZine
ToTaLLy CoOL ®
Totally Cool ®
The Magazine
outtakes and misc.
Stay Tuned - There Is
Much to experience --
Richard Renda
Editorial Director
ToTaLLy CoOL ®
"The Official Editorial Authority"
copyright 2002
All rights reserved.
A Magazine Alive
On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait -- and Adjust
... your volume.
Section 1:
Still preserved. Beast and Bicycle. In Lands of Enchantment.
Photographer -- Howard E. Hebble, India circa 1973.

The Music Credit:
One World Music / Palm Pictures

Section 4

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
The Magazine
The third aspect of this story is: how far we come as a peoples who "preserve" life. India, in the
beginning years of the Millennium 2002, has been on the border of the most serious level of Life --
War. But maybe they too can look at their neighbors and their own Land. The where they have
come from and where they are going. As all people should. Noting the days when War includes
options so devastating as Nuclear Weapons the loss is exceptionally serious to human life, Nature,
and Nature's God. The loss of millions of lives and damage to the lands alone would carry a karma
into the Universe that none would want as their history (no less have written on their soul).
In Lands of Enchantment

Time ...
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