We're telling you -- you don't want to go past this point. It's a madhouse in there.
Did you know in the Photographer's Pen The Olympus Camera people provided
Pepsi, sandwiches, Skittles, Starburst, M & M's, (twizzlers) and other important
staples for the working New York International Fashion Press Corps. A first in 10
years. At least someone cared. Thank you Olympus. Let us tell you, for
everyone: "we all appreciate it, bigtime."
ToTaLLy CoOL ®
Totally Cool ®
The Magazine
outtakes and misc.
Stay Tuned. On the road
of what you going towards ...
copyright 2003
All rights reserved.
On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait. And adjust
... your volume.
A Magazine Alive
Laurie S. Schechter
"World's First Vogue Style Editor"
Editorial Music Credit:
Say How I Feel
Rhian Benson
Sugarbread Music
Richard Renda

Where do they get those black suits ?????? They always look so good. Okay you
work the crowd.
The Press have the riser under control. How ? They work together.
Eyes On The World
Special Section:
A Matter of Histories.
People Faces
and Friends
Fashion In New York
The Years 2000 plus
Like the undercurrent of
an ocean. Expression.
From the point of view
of The Insiders' Insider.
You can feel what it is
like to be. There. The
After Party continues.
The Closing of a
Chapter ... slowly.

People Faces
and Friends
Spring 2004 Kenneth Cole Runway
photo credits: On the roof, Lori in
red by Joshua Sheldon. Richard
Renda "Editor-at-Work" and with
camera in hand ... preserved by
Kenneth Rumments. Across the
page top left, middle, and bottom
right ... Mark Montano Runway
drama photos by Eric Hason.
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