A chapter in human History is being closed and a new one begins. Part of The Next Adventure ...
what some call: The Greatest Adventure. In New York City, the fashion tents were first raised in
Bryant Park, best we can tell: October 1993. They were fondly known as "7th on Sixth." In the year
2003 it is called "Mercedes Benz Fashion Week." As each person ends the last day of Fall Fashion
Week 2003 showing Spring 2004 in New York CIty -- when that is over -- "The Decade of Fashion" will
be complete as it begins A New Adventure. A long long Journey for those that are the Inner Press
Corps. There is much to tell, much to learn. You are part of ... Fashion History. Captured moments
by Richard david Renda. (That is Ian smiling at you.)
CoOL ®
The MagaZine
Totally Cool ®
The Magazine
outtakes and misc.
Stay Tuned. On the road
of what you're going towards.
Richard Renda

copyright 2003
All rights reserved.
On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait. And adjust
... your volume.
A Magazine Alive
Laurie S. Schechter
"World's First Vogue Style Editor"
Editorial Music Credit:
Work It
Missy Elliot
Elektra Music

People, Faces, and Friends -- A Matter of Histories -- "The Cast of Characters."
A Matter of History. And Fashion documention. The World of Clothes -- The Community of the Peoples.
The Men in Black are "Citadel Security." The man smiling underneath (right) is The Man in Blue.
Courtesy of the New York City Police Department. Over time you get to know who the good guys are
and who the bad guys are. These are the good guys. From one season to the next. Work it ...
Section 3:
The Men In Black
A Matter of Histories --
People, Faces, and Friends ... "The Cast of Characters."
We are going to have a party. Like all good parties we're not
going anywhere without having our Security Team first. Get
the picture. It is all how you see it. We see it in a really big big
World. International. A matter of the Times. Images by Richard.
Ty, Maurice,
and Michael.
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