ToTaLLy CoOL ®
Totally Cool ®
The Magazine
outtakes and misc.
Stay Tuned. On the road
of what you going towards ...
Richard Renda

copyright 2003
All rights reserved.
On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait. And adjust
... your volume.
A Magazine Alive
Laurie S. Schechter
"World's First Vogue Style Editor"
Editorial Music Credit:
It's A Beautiful Day.
Sarah Brightman
Angel Records

The MagaZine
It's terrible when you are trying to get a job
done and one person has to ruin it for every
body. When one person causes trouble to
others, if everyone is threatened or punished
it can be compared to: one person chewing
gum in class but everyone has to go to
detention. See the light.
Section 3:
A Matter of
Ali Taekman. Well,
that who she is as
History would note.
She used to have
brown hair way back
when. Although they
do say "blondes have
more Fun." Ali has
been fun over the
seasons (years).
God do I see the
light. Was that
an alien in my
Spaceship or are
ya just glad to
see me ?
then some Folks
are just down
right real ...
Ruth Finley (aka/
"The Kid"). "The
Fashion Calendar."
Captured moments
by Richard Renda.
People, Faces, and Friends - "A Matter of Histories" - The Cast of Characters.
"The Cast of
What is that man saying ... from 50 feet away. "I'm T-o-t-a-l-l-y Cool ®." There is no question Marc ...
no question at all. That is Pat above in red. When it comes to the whole Press Corps, she has got it in the bag.
if we recall,
he was just
standing there
minding his
own business.
Which do you
prefer, the finger
or the jerk off
hand jive ? It
depends on the
mood you're in.
I prefer neither.
This is going to be Fun. It will take you to the end of this page, in History, to see it come together.
Like stepping on a glass. This is Family. That is Judith in the upper left corner. (And Lynn in the
upper right corner.) Lower left is Norma. And lower right is Marc, Judith, and Sabina. Watch Marc.
See the upper left ? See the lower right ? Now see below. Some people are bigtime fun. Being their
self. Captured Moment by Cool. Image by Richard.
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