Totally Cool ®
The Magazine
The Music Credit:
Born Bolenath
Jai Uttal
Narada World Records
outtakes and misc.
Section 2
The Magazine
Section 1
Section 3
Section 4
copyright 2002
All rights reserved.
On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait ... And Adjust
-- your volume.
A Magazine Alive
Section 3:
Richard david Renda
Editorial Director
ToTaLLy CoOL ®
"The Official Editorial Authority"
Roya, Rudy, and Big Smiles from Citadel. Captured moments by Richard Renda.
In these pages of History you will find many smiles, waving hellos, Big Big Kisses and
more goodwill then some may see or feel in a lifetime. All of it is for one reason.
It is for You. Enjoy the interaction and the music along the way. And know
this ... someone cared that you existed.
- In The Great Adventure -
CoOL ®
Stay Tunes - There Is
Much more to
uncover --
TCMicky2002 | WithMrCool | OutAndAbout | WithFriends | JoanCollins | Fabulous2002 | AnnaWintour |
TheGirls2002 | ImanBigHello | Batgirl2002 | AmericanIdol | TeenUSA2002 | 2ShootingU | EleanorLamb | RuthFinley | RuthAndMary | Citadel | Cunningham | ToThePress | Family2 | Family3 | 4Roshumba | BlowingSmoke | DeeLorraine | JerryRandy | ChristyHood | FeedMeMore | 02PressCrew | PatrickMcMul | SpiegelShot | Friends2002 | TotallySpain | Ralph | Head4Peace | RussellStory | KaliCorner1 | WhatSayAut2 | HotAir | HotAir2 | TheBulldog | WhatSayAut2b | AMNHFlies | Bloomingdale | Rockettes02 | 2DialRussell |
Out and About with Friends
First you have to pass through
Security and like all amazing Events -- you have to be
let past the Red
Velvet Ropes.
Citadel Security
also and fondly known as: the "Men In Black" |
to |
"the Insider's Insider"
"Out and About with Friends" is
Dedicated to all the people not to be
forgotten, the movers and the shakers - those
in the spotlight and those shining the spotlight. |
Here you may get to know
some of the people who connect you
with the Worldwide
communty. We are
And like it or not,
we are all family.
The most extensive and intensive Journey in
The Pit of what is known as The International Press Corp. Here the Elite work, play, and live together. Now , you
are going on the inside.
Wait a minute, do you have an invite ? "Sitting or Standing" ???
Are you sure you have permission from ToTaLLy CoOL ® to go
past this point ? I think this is The Beginning. To a long and
beautiful friendship -- |