ToTaLLy CoOL ®
The MagaZine
The Music Credit:
Stereo MC'S
Island Records

outtakes and misc.
On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait -- and Adjust.
Totally Cool ®
The Magazine
Section 2
The Magazine
Section 1
Section 3
Section 4

Richard david Renda
Editorial Director
ToTaLLy CoOL ®
"The Official Editorial Authority"
copyright 2002
All rights reserved.
A Magazine Alive
Section 3:
Stay Tunes - There Is
Much much more to
uncover --
Christy Hood - longtime, well seasoned,
Public Relations Specialist.
Getting High. On a tower. A view from the 79th Street Boat Basin in the City of the World.
Documenting the moment ... On The Spot reporter, Richard Renda.

Out and About
with Friends --
The Insider's


In case you
don't realize
it, this cutie
is waving ...
at you
When it's hot,
it's Hot !


This is a real person. Christy
worked PR "in-house" for Donna
Karan. About 10 years ago we
were Styling a job and needed
to pull some of the Donna Karen
Collection for the shoot. Calling
on Christy, it was a Friday at 4
p.m. Christy asked if we minded
waiting until Monday morning,
because: she wanted to go out
with her girlfriends. Cool -ness in
action. (But we are not going to
tell you where they were going.)
The where they were going is
the why we said "no Problem."
Think about it. It's Friday Night.
Honesty will get you everywhere.
I know why you are pointing
that finger ... but like I
promised: I will never tell.
You can kill me twice and
I still won't tell. (Do you
want to know why Christy
is pointing her finger ? Come
here. I'll whisper in your ear.)

Never mind. I'll get in
trouble. Never ... mind.
Don't you
tell !

On a clear blue sky Day. Of course this is the Hudson River.
New York City, U.S.A.
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