ToTaLLy CoOL ®
The MagaZine

Totally Cool ®
The Magazine
The Music Credit:
Deja Vu
Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young
Altantic Records

outtakes and misc.
Heatherett photo by Pro Photog Chet . . . never mind from where. We'll just say it is
a revealing "courtesy call". Many Thanks, Richard and the Totally Cool ® Team.

Section 2
The Magazine
Section 1
Section 3
Section 4

On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait ... And Adjust
-- your volume.
Richard david Renda
Editorial Director
ToTaLLy CoOL ®
"The Official Editorial Authority"
Stay Tunes - There Is
much much more to
Express --
copyright 2002
All rights reserved.
A Magazine Alive
Section 3:
Another very Special Moment -- Each season for nearly
a decade Russell Simmons has found himself at the
Crossroad with Mr. Cool who is usually
taking a picture to preserve the moment.
Every time, during all those years Russell
is on the phone. Every time, in every
picture: except for once.
That one time Russell
took the cell phone
from his pocket and
made a call to keep
the perfect record.

That SMILE !
Out and About
with Friends
Whatssup ?!!
Now Russell has his own
personal Russell Simmons
"Signature" cellular phone.
It is "exclusive" to Phat Farm
and if you wanted to see you
had to go to

But for you Russell breaks
the "exclusive" rule and

not only does he let you
see it here, but - as you
see ... Russell shows it to
You here Himself, in person.
That says something.
This is a man
who is alive and
a man who cares.
Thanks for being,
What did Russell say ?
"Take The Shot. Take it ! "

The Special Moments in
Time. Stay Connected.

The Russell Simmons
"limited edition"
At the Cross Road. History Preserved. -- by Richard Renda
We have reached the end
of this episode:
Out and About with Friends --
The Insider's Insider.

This is the Heatherette Collection
Spring 2003.

You might say that's really
hanging "Out and About
... with Friends."

But, if fact, that's really another
story !!!
(We know ... a baby should not look at their Mother's breast when they are breast feeding
either. They're too young. Right ? Wrong. When Adults grow up many times their
opinionated minds forget where they come from (and what is Natural).
Better to keep Life Preserved than to cover it up some say. What do you think ?
see it really clear and
up close in the coming
Git Story.
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