"Ride 4 America"
A Historical Event
"Ride 4 America"
The 4 Horsemen
and a Riderless Horse
appear at the World Trade
Center Ground Zero. Year 2002
at 1 p.m. -- on the 5th day of September.
In the City of The World ... New York City.

Cowboys and Kids Traveled 3,000 miles
and 5 months to honor the 800 children
who lost parents.
An inspiring cross country trek that commenced
on April 19, 2002 -- the 7th anniversary of the
Oklahoma City bombing. 4 Oklahoma cowboy
riders (including a firefighter, a poet, and a bull
rider) brought forward an important message of
strength and hope from the heartland of America
-Oklahoma- to Ground Zero ... New York City.
Accompanying the 4 horsemen, also on horseback
were youths from VisionQuest National (an
organization providing residential programs for
at-risk adolescents) and the Buffalo Soldiers who
were dressed in traditional gear that represents
the historic Buffalo Soldiers. The Buffalo Soldier
riders (boys, gals, men, and women) came from
all across the land to be in The City of the World
on horseback in Modern Times.
The Event - ceremony and tribute - began with New York State Rockland County Sheriff Jim Kraylik
where the doors of the World Trade Center buildings once stood. A presentation of proclamations,
an Oklahoma State flag, an Oklahoma State tree, and other gifts were bestowed upon New York City.
The 4 cowboys (horsemen) led "Scout", a riderless horse from Oklahoma, who carries a saddle
containing the many personal items that symbolize the devastating loss of life ... from badges and
helmets to baseball caps and stuffed animals.
An elite group of chosen New Yorkers, hand picked by the Universe, greeted the arrival of the more
than 50 people on horseback who were escorted into the city by New York City Port Authority Police
Officers. The group rode on horseback from the intersection of Murray and West Street to Ground
Zero to take part in the 45 minute Event Ceremony ... "Ride 4 America." This Event is: the beginning
(the 1st Event ) of a week that marks the one year anniversary of the World Trade Center crumbling
to the earth. The Event honors the nearly 3,000 people who passed away and all the workers who
helped save 25,000 other individuals from greater harm September 11th, 2001. 25,000 individuals
who were not necessarily citizens of the American Nation but, who were -in fact- citizens from all over
the World ... of all faiths and creeds. The Pen and The Word writes this on the Walls of Eternity:
ToTaLLy CoOL ® "Something that comes from the Heart."
To The Portal Opening
Jimmy Rogers - Liberty's View
Above: Jessie Myers. Ride 4 America. And The 4 Horsemen. (Yet to be revealed.)
The Rider is not fixing his hat. He is tipping his hat ... at You.
Have you ever seen a Horse this color ? Like a speckled blood red.
Music credit:
Turin Brakes
Astralwerks Records

Baby Jane Dexter, a celebrated Cabaret and Concert Artist, sang Bob Dylan's classic "Forever
Young." Baby Jane Dexter also developed a self expression workshop which aids in the healing
process of VisionQuest youth through Culture and the Arts. It was enlightening to hear Bob Burton
express what others seem to ignore. He said: the way we treat our youths in America is "almost
embarassing." Bob Burton and all the adults working on the VisionQuest Project have achieved long
lasting results reaching out to young people by teaching them about Heritage, Horseback Riding and
the Land they come from as opposed to locking the youths up in a jailhouse prison. By example they
have proved an extremely important lesson ... "where there is a will, there is a way", a better way.
For their hard work we should all say "thank you."
Special Thanks to all those that participated in this unique event. You are loved and shall never be
forgotten. For additional information on "Ride4America" contact Tim or Cathy Myers, Oklahoma
Western Heritage Inc. (918) 341 5031 or (918) 381 4402. As the road continues . . .
"Moments In Time"
visuals by
Richard Renda
c. 2002 - all rights reserved.
On Monday, July 15, "Ride 4 America" stopped in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, for a brief memorial
ceremony at the September 11th, 2001 Flight 93 crash site to salute the courageous victims and to
spread the 4 Horsemen's unique message of Unity. On Tuesday, July 30, the group held a patriotic
ceremony at the State House in Annapolis, Maryland. And then on Friday August 2, 2002, was
a memorial ceremony on the grounds of the Pentagon in Washington D.C. similar to the one in
Shanksville. On Thursday September 5th, 2002, the Event Ceremony at Ground Zero in New York
was the completion of the Journey ...
the Ride 4 America. Reflection of a true revelation.
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