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Arista Records

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Laurie S. Schechter
"World's First Vogue Style Editor"
TC Special
Richard Renda
A Magazine Alive
"ToTaLLy CoOL ® The First Decade 1994 - 2004"
"The Official Editorial Authority"
Totally Cool ®
The First Decade 1994 - 2004
The Magazine 2005 - 2006
Into The Future
A Journey Through
How often can you stand
next to a meteor of Iron
and even touch it ? Like
touching distances of
Time itself. And you can
do it in this lifetime. At
the American Museum of
Natural History. The
Rose Center of Space.
The American Museum of Natural History on Central Park West in New York City is the home of the famous Hayden
Planetarium. A Wonder for all ages to enjoy. The Plantarium presents in its domed studio shows like "The Search for
Life: Are We Alone ?" narrated by Harrison Ford where you journey from the ocean depths to planets outside our own
solar system, "Passport To The Universe" narrated by Tom Hanks which reveals the Universe in a way never before
possible, and Sonic Vision: a ground breaking digitally animated alternative music extravaganza. But the Rose Center
not only is a great place to have a Party, it also has
its own mysteries for you to explore. Below: a living
Ecosystem in a sphere. At left: the Whirlpool Galaxy
as seen by the Hubble Telescope in January 2005.
photo images of The Rose Center by Richard Renda
Up close and personal. The 15.5 ton Willamette Meteor made of iron. Only about 600 of the 25,000 meteors found on
earth are made of Iron. The material was created deep inside stars, which produce energy by fusing lighter elements
into heavier ones -- for example hydrogen into helium.
Billions of years ago an early planet orbiting the sun was shattered. While planets including Earth gradually formed
and matured -- fragments orbited the sun. Thousands of years ago this meteorite traveling at some 64,000
kilometers per hour then crashed into the Earth's surface. So when we touch the Willamette meteorite we are
touching a piece of the chemical record of our origins and our place in the Universe. Now you can call that "A
Firsthand Experience" courtesy of the American Museum of Natural History. History from which you were born.
photo images by Richard Renda.
An experience to stand on. At the American Museum of Natural History you can see how heavy you are ...
Museum Website:
for the latest Astronomical Bulletins you can float over to
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