Everyone has an ... Expression ... of their own. Captured Moment. Photo images by Richard Renda.
ToTaLLy CoOL ®
The Magazine
The MagaZine
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Stay Tuned - There Is
Much to be exposed to --
Richard Renda
On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait. And adjust
... your volume.
A Magazine Alive
Laurie S. Schechter
"World's First Vogue Style Editor"
Editorial Music Credit:
I Walk With A Zombie
The Bingo Brothers
Luna Records

ToTaLLy CoOL ®
"The Official Editorial Authority"
It is all about Expression. A warm hug on a nice day. At The American Museum of Natural History.
On Central Park West between 77th Street and 81st Street in New York City. www.AMNH.org
Cartoon Characters Big Red Dog, Curious George, Maya and Miguel spending a day with the
Children. The Magic of what a Museum can do. Notice the "expressions." Every child has a
different expression on their face. Captured Moment photos by Richard Renda.
by Richard Renda
This page has three purposes. 1. To see the expressions of joy and magic shown on the faces we will see here. The capturing
of Life with a true sense of emotion. The deeper side of Life which gives living such great meaning. That is why we have called
this page "Expressions." 2. To remind us sometimes things can whisper away into the wind if they are not preserved for all of us
to remember. As in moments like these. And 3. To display something for which a Museum is not generally thought. A place to
have a Party. Here we take a look at a Party that the American Museum of Natural History on Central Park West played host to.
Party Time. Does it look like the children as well as the adults are having fun together ??? You tell us. Rahhh !
Big Red
A Moment In
Special Events
TC Special
There is nothing in this world like a true smile. Goes
into the category of Love. Aubrey - smiles every time.
And look at Michael. Do you know what he is
doing ? Looking at the expressions on
the children's faces
The Photographer looking to capture an expression. But it is him that is being captured.
Richard does that. The moment preserved. Congratulations on the arrival of a new baby girl.
Did you ever notice when a person is taking a picture they too have an expression of some sort on their face ? And
what they are doing is capturing Art, a photograph. The art of expression itself. It takes concentration. Rahhhh ... If you
want to see Dinosaurs - visit the American Museum of Natural History Hall of Dinosaurs. It is upstairs. And it's Big !
Hey Big Red Dog. I'm not afraid of Y-o-u-u-u-u.
Wait ... Do You Bite ? Okay, slap me Five !
The expressions on the childrens' faces. Who said Adults can't be kids at heart ? Young at heart at any age.
Life worth living. Special moments. The good times when everybody smiles. That's Robin in the blue Sweater.
Talk about Expressions. Captured Moment. Photo images by Richard Renda.
Lollipop Ghost
Totally Cool ®
The First Decade 1994 - 2004
The Magazine 2005 - 2006
Into The Future
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