Section 1:
ToTaLLy CoOL ®
Totally Cool ®
The Magazine
outtakes and misc.
Editorial Music Credit:
Miss Jones
Smoke Bulga
XVIII Entertainment
Stay Tuned. On the road
of what you feel ...
Richard Renda
copyright 2003
All rights reserved.
On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait. And adjust
... your volume.
A Magazine Alive
Laurie S. Schechter
"World's First Vogue Style Editor"
Spring Summer 2003. A little something for everyone. Another "wear" word.
Yogawear. Comfortable clothing for the comfortable mind.
The Fashion Collection is "Blue Canoe."

The MagaZine
Another "Wear"
In the previous issue of our
Magazine presentation we
featured the Designer Duo
Gaelyn & Cianfarani ...
latex and rubber wearable
clothes. At that time we
gave their collection a
name. We called it:
"Rubberwear." For the
Spring Summer it is time
to bring forward -- to the
attention of those who
want to be in the know:
another "wear" word. An
extremely Contemporary
happening. The word is
called "YOGAWEAR."
Healthy mind,
healthy Spirit.
get down clothing
to workout in !
The Yoga craze is taking
the Health Conscious
market by storm. More
and more people are
looking for a little peace
of mind. A state of being
Comfortable. And when
you are working out or
bringing your Spirit to a
better place your body
wants to be comfortable
in the clothes you wear.
Clothes that are made for
you, with you ... in mind.
Here is the company and
fashion collection that is
pure. Yogawear. "Blue
Canoe." Blue Canoe's
philosophy is: garments
worn next to the skin
should be as pure as
possible and non-toxic (as
well as being an integral
part of your wardrobe).
To that end -- all the Blue
Canoe styles are created to
work with other clothing as
under layers in sportswear
and casual wear.
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