Section 1:
ToTaLLy CoOL ®
The MagaZine
Totally Cool ®
The Magazine
outtakes and misc.
Stay Tuned. On the road
of what you going towards ...
Richard Renda

copyright 2003
All rights reserved.
On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait. And adjust
... your volume.
A Magazine Alive
Laurie S. Schechter
"World's First Vogue Style Editor"
Editorial Music Credit:
Kiss Me
Lina Koutrakos
WKF Music

Mao Public Relations magazine ad. The Power of Coincidence.
"In your Face" by Richard Renda. Photo by Patrick Ibanez. Stylist:
Roger Padiha. Make-up: Charlie Green. Model: Sigtho ... Ford Models.
photo by Patrick Ibanez
Stylist: Roger Padiha
Makeup: Charlie Green
Ford Model: Sigthor
Please note: this
photograph is somewhat
Since we were on the subject of
the aspiring Fashion Stylist this
is an interesting story of a true
life coincidence. It is fact that an
aspiring Fashion and Lifestyle
Stylist faces much more than
they imagine. But even the most
well seasoned professional
Fashion Stylist will come upon
times that just boggle the mind.
The one I love the most is this
story. There are Men's Magazine
that strive to show their readers
what is the newest and most
happening clothes or fashion
Trends. But Men's magazines
have a stigma attached to them.
They feature women (and some
times in those -oh-so-very-sexy
poses). Because of that it
makes it especially hard for
the Fashion Stylist to secure
Fashion Designers that the
reader wants to, and should,
know about. Some people forget
or don't care that Men also have
girlfriends and guyfriends. They
also like to buy those they love
the good things life has to offer.
If they don't know about them
they can not buy them and they
can not be a viable customer.
Some Fashion Public Relations
people think they are too good
to have their Client's clothes
featured in Men's Magazine that
feature (Oooo) the opposite sex.
The point is: the Professional
Fashion Stylist or Editor can not
justify that mentality. Moreso,
because many of those same
Fashion Designers and Public
Relations people send their
own Models out on the runway
BARING ALL -exposed- in front
of the worldwide Press Corps.
So there I was. In Chelsea
Studios. On a Fashion Photo
Shoot pondering what appears
to be hypocrites in the Fashion
Industry, both men and women.
Three quarters through the day, on a table that I looked at fifty times, suddenly
there appeared one single page laying there from a magazine. No one admitted
putting it there. And no one knew what I was thinking about. Here is an Ad from
a Fashion Public Relation house that would never do anything like what we are
talking about -- now would they ? Good Public Relations People remember their
job is to let people see what Designers are doing. That is how they serve both the
client and the community - the reader - best. Now we should go look at something
that is: sexy stuff for men and women. Did I make the point ? Yeah I did. Simply
put ... people should learn to work with each other (all the time) instead of against
each other. Or you get exposed. Funny how Life is. The Power of Coincidence.
The Power of the Universe. Not good to mess with Mother Nature or her friends.
In Your Face
by Richard Renda
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