Wishing You A Happy Holiday Season ! ! !


Good Tidings on your Journeys through the
coming years.

This is a very Special Moment in History. Preserved.
Once again at the Cross road. We take this moment to
wish the many peoples around the World: All The Best
during this season and through the coming years.

I Go To New York City and look
what happens to me ! Someone
notices. It is good to be wanted.

Happy Happy Holidays ! ! !
Above: New York City. A Street Lamppost.
Tony Bennett
- Live on Broadway -

left to right:
Holiday windows
Curious George,
Big Bird, and
many characters
the 75th Macy's
Holiday Parade
Each year the
Holiday windows
change. Every
year you come
to visit you will
find ... they are
not the same.
Macy's 34th
Street and
Do not miss this.
Look at the photo
at the immediate
right. The Power of
what -- really comes
from within. Talent.
Catapulted into mid
air. In a clockwise
motion a backward
somersault. Now
see the moment
captured below.

Proving: a human
being . . . can fly.

This is:
The Universal
Dance Association.
Teddy Bear and Santa Claus
appearing at "the World's largest
Department Store", Macy's. On
Broadway -- between 34th and
35th Streets, Courtesy of and in
memory of ... R.H. Macy.
Photos, images, and captured
moments by Richard Renda.
Totally Cool ®
All rights reserved. c. 2001
Worldwide Music Talent Tony Bennett singing Rudolph "The Red Nose Reindeer."
(Wait for the music)
I Go To New York City
and look what happens
to me also ! Someone
notices me too. What it
is ... to be wanted. A
very good thing.

Wishing you
a Wonderful
Holiday Season.

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