Enjoy the Holiday Season and remember a little kindness does go a long way.

Wishing You A Happy Holiday
Season ! ! ! We Have Never done
this before in this section. The
Daylight Holiday Tree.
A BIG Season's Greetings ... sent with a Big
Hug ! From The Heart of Totally Cool.

Both of these children
said " Totally Cool ! " on
this journey and we have
it on tape. When you
come out from the
Universe and into a World
like this - it is all part of
The Great Adventure.
The young man above
when he said it, he said
it: LOUD.
" Totally Cool ! "
Thanks. It says
everything about you.
And thanks for the big
big smiles. Life will
never forget you.
Something that comes
from the heart. People
should remember that
is the thing that is real.

Time to Toot our Horn and do something a little different. Here are some Holiday Greetings
from across America and from the other side of the World. Now you know someone loves you.
When You are at
Rockefeller Center on the
open Mall (what we call
"The Valley of Angels") ...
some things are heaven
sent. You can get your
picture taken here for free
and NBC - the folks at New
York Channel 4 TV - will
put it on their websife.
And of course if you want
a printed copy - for a few
dollars - it is yours for the
asking. Also look at the
backdrop it is shot on
(upper right). Could you
imagine ?

Life is about the tears and the smiles we
experience. The good times and the bad.
The things we share together. A true smile
that comes from the heart of an honest
: that is ... Priceless.
The Valley of Angels
(below) during the day
on 5th Avenue between
49th and 50th Streets.
Look at the 2 images above. The
one on the right has white dots
on it. A sequence of flashing
lights going on and off.
Welcome to Rockefeller Center ! Welcome ... to The
City of the World. Also known as ... New York City,
We Never do a
Holiday Season
without having
the Special
people say
"Totally Cool !"
Captured Moments. Human History
Preserved. And never forgotten.
Images by
Richard david Renda

If you are in Rockefeller Center go out
onto Fifth Avenue and stroll across the
street. These are some of the famed
SAKS Fifth Avenue Holiday Windows.
What you can create with a balloon. C-o-o-o-l Laser Blaster. 50th Street ... a little north of The Tree.
Music Credit:
From The

below: tree lights by Richard Renda
And ... even ... A Happy Holiday Wish ... from us ... in New Jersey !
You Are Here. In
A Daytime Holiday.
slate 5

I see you looking at me !
These 2 people send you a Big HAPPY HOLIDAY from
A Holiday Wish ... from Father and son.
This family sends their BEST
Holiday Wishes to you ... from
where ? All the way from
Texas !
This Family sends to you all: a Happy Holiday Greeting. From homegrown ... NEW YORK CITY !!!
Everything, moves, spins, and turns.
The Tree Top - for a photo op. At street level.
Just north of the tree. Between 50th and 51st streets.
This is the
Tree in New
York City.
From The
side view.

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