The Tree (full view) on 5th Avenue between 49th and 50th Streets, New York City.
Wishing You A Warm
Holiday Season ! ! !
Enjoy 2005 / 2006. And
many blessings on
your Journeys into
each coming year.

And as we know, on every Great journey
you must have some Angels on your side
-- especially, to lift you up when you are
down. Season's Greetings ... sent with a
Big Hug !

When You
walk In The City
Of The World you
will see many things.

The Magic and
awesome power of
what Electricity can
do. It helps make
Life even more

... On the Avenue,
Park Avenue ...

(sorry, wrong words.)

On The Avenue ...
5th Avenue ... dot ta
dada --

Happy Happy Holidays ! ! !
Angels at the Elgin Botanic Garden in Rockefeller Center ... Manhattan.
Don't forget ... if you are in New York City and you can - see the Radio City Music Hall Holiday
Spectacular starring The Rockettes - you should do it. An Adventure you will never Forget !

The Tree (without lights) - Rockefeller Center, New York City. Then it all Turns ON.

Enjoy the whole Holiday
Season and remember a
little kindness goes a long

"From the Heart of the Big
Gotham." You all be well --
"a Toast !" Merry everything
and Happy New Year from
all of us, EVERYONE in the
Sphere ...

Hey, wait a minute ... Isn't that Santa ... cause ...
Ho ho ho ...
Water Fountains and
lighted trees on
Park Avenue
The Snowflake
5th Avenue and
57th Street
Now you can say you have reached the mountain top. You know it is true when
-- you -- have seen it for yourself: the tree ... at the top. We take you there.
A kiss can go a long way.
See The Holiday Window at Bergdorf Goodman
Kelly and the baby. Hey mommy. I know that Voice.
There is much to see here.
slate 3
you are

NOW ...
This picture (above) has a special link on it. It takes you to an interesting section of the TC Mag from years back. When you have
some time you should go through this section just for the fun of REFLECTION. As a Signature mark there is something called
"Signed 4 " ... a mark of the work of Richard. 2 + 2 = 4. Still there is so much more. Onward Dancer and Prancer and Comet and ...
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