Gentle Man
Gentle Man
Pretty Woman
The MagaZine
Health & Beauty
Science & Technology
Electronics & Toys
The Well
New York City:
The Big Gotham
Letters & Comments
The Showroom Circuit
Interviews- Legends
On The Fashion Front

Hot Shots
Political Observations
- For Community News -
National / International
Seasonal Fun
A Perfect 10
The Environment
Social Issues/Concerns
Totally Cool (r) Bites
The Fashion Statement
The 2 Minute Blurb
Teen Concerns
Young Adults Concerns
Classified / Personal
Real Estate/ Housing
/ Rights / etc
Sounds & Scenes:
The Good Read
Books & Magazines
The Profiles
Pretty Women
Philosophy / Spiritual /
The Inner Self
What In The
World Is Totally
Cool (r) To You

TC Products
Special Offers
People Helping People
The Photo Booth
Video Editing
Critics Corner
N.Y.C. Landscapes
The PR
New Laws
Turn The
Page to :

Film and Video
Footwear and Headgear
Totally Cool (r) Kids
Coming To America
Kids Toys
Totally Cool (r) The MagaZine - p.26
Founder's Intro ...
Pretty Woman

I am ...The Contributor.
And one day Niki I will tell
you why I said no to Dinner
with you at the Plaza and
have had dinner on other
occasions with Marc Jacobs.
See how time is ? It makes
us see what we did not
clearly. It unfolds as we
"Turn The Page."
In Memory of:
Krissy Taylor
This section is dedicated to hard working
people. The 2 unique people named on
this page shall be remembered through
all time. As they are: the cornerstones
to Pretty Woman, Gentle Man. And shall
remain forever. I have waited years to
bring this to a breath of light in the
world of what some may have forgot:
those who contribute to our lives. And
as you can see, Niki - I do not forget...
as well as Life does not forget. This
proves that. I have carried the Model
composition card (left) though time
to have it come to rest here. Who am I ?
What should be realized
is that to make any vision
a physical manifestation
come true it always takes
more than one element.
When it comes to this -the
modeling industry- whether
it is in editorial, advertising,
film or fashion it is all the
same. The quality of the
basics will determine what
the result will be. What are
the basics ??? Clothes,
accessories, and props: with
an expert Stylist to pull it
together. A co-ordinator to
keep track of all moving
elements. (Things get lost
and sometimes, like Ray
Ban sunglasses, they just
seem to get up and walk
away on their own. Without
fail. ) Then there are the
people to do Hair and Make-
up. The Photographer and
the Models. In all of these
people is the talent that
makes a picture perfect.
Pretty Woman. Gentle Man.
To those people we honor
them, their talent, and you.
Never to be forgotten.

Rico Puhlmann
A Great Model.
A Great Photographer.
Their Work Speaks For

The above page in print was shot by Rico
Puhlmann for Harper's Bazaar (courtesy of
"A Day and The Life of Vogue's First Style
Editor"). Rico Puhlmann died on Flight 800.
Fashion Styling: Laurie Schechter.
Advertisers' credits on Table of Contents page.
Music credit:
on page 36
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