But it has never been there where it's harnessed- where we isolate this power. And we create
magnetic forces. Well we create Electricity that travels through wires. And those wires have
magnetic fields on the outside. And we create all these charges. The point is that: we do lots
of things that are in the air today from TV waves, to cell phones, to radio waves that you can't
see. But when you look at it -- those things have Never Been There Before. There has never
been a Time- a Time on Earth where man has embodied the whole planet with electricity.

And Electricity creates a charge. So this is A New Element brought into Time. And now this
is an element that helps Time and the Earth (Nature itself) mature. For instance, like when
you grow up- when you're born from the time til you grow up: you learn whatever you learn
from being around the house. You know, you're 3 you're 4 (years old). But then you go to
school. You go out somewhere else and a new element is added into your Life: school. And
that element starts to mature you.

Well in the Timeline of Earth: there has never been Electricity before. And Electricity added
into it- a new element to Earth. Which could very well be the bridge. That was The Switch
that brought Nature to the point where now she is Louder. She starting to speak to people.
And she's saying, "I'm Alive. And you people can either Preserve what you have or destroy
everything that's around you."

"Totally Cool ® Talks Live -
Controversy" Excerpts

The Beginning of A New Millennium

" It is about Time - You are Special ! ! ! "

"Something That Comes
From The Heart."
Totally Cool ®

The Official Editorial Authority.

"Always good news all the time."
"The Mouth of New York."
copyright 1994 - 2001

Totally Cool ® is an
Internationally Registered
Trademark- U.S, France,
Spain, Japan, others.
1994 - 2001 +

Totally Cool ®
broadcast Programing.
A registered trademark:
TM 1994 ® 1996 EV Productions,
c. 1994 - 2001 Richard Renda.
A Year Round

Totally Cool .net
The Editorial Project
Totally Cool ® broadcast Programing
1994 - 2001 ~ Powered by

Welcome To "The New Millennium."
Cool ®

A Vision.
In To The Future
" The Age of Electricity ! "
Portal Opening
The TC Net

One 30 minute tape ...
1 minute to preroll.
40 seconds logo.
Talk time remaining Total 28 minutes 20 seconds.
And no clock present.
To meet the Deadline there must be a minimum of
1 minute 40 seconds remaining .
What happens in the end ?

Totally Cool ® Talks: Live
- The Controversy Series - " You are Special "
aired on Manhattan Time Warner Cable Television

Who you are - What makes you Special - What this time is about.
What it all means to you and to The Future.

Excerpts I

The Setting: In a Cafe.
Two People sitting in a storefront window on Fifth Avenue, New York City.

Today- we're going to talk about something really important- kinda important to everybody. It's
called Time. And there are going to be things that ...

cause I'm rushing. I just rushed right into the tape. Okay. There are also going to be things that we
should look at based on the Time that we're in.

But before I start ...

(Erica chuckles ...)
Your Hosts are Erica Viecelli and Richard david Renda
"Totally Cool ® Talks - The Official Editorial Authority
Live ! From The Mouth of New York. The Heart Of the Big Gotham."

The Vortex In Time. In New York. 22nd Street and 5th Avenue.
"New York: The Home Of The Crystal Ball."

(both Erica and Richard laugh)

Which is true too, you know ?

Because when the whole earth, I have to say, turned the millennium and went from the 20th Century
into the 21st Century - the 1900's into the year 2000 they had a Waterford Crystal Ball that they
used on the top of Times Square. So when I say New York ...

The Home Of The Crystal Ball.

Richard: New York The Home Of The Crystal Ball.

Erica: Okay I get it.

Hello. Hello. It's good copy, you know, like "(pepsi) the official drink approved for the hereafter."
(laugh) Oh no never mind - Okay so let's go right into this thing.

You got like the whole voice thing going there --
What I wanted to talk about today ... First of all - I'm Richard Totally Cool ®, and we're with Erica.
I am not going to say what Time we're in. Okay ? Because I want this to be very generic. And you
see that I'm sitting in a time when people are not wearing very heavy coats out and I am in a tee
shirt. But if anyone knew what day it was they would probably find it pretty unbelievable. What I
will say for the record though, is that this day is the 4th day of a particular month. That is as far as
I am going to give you.

That's all I'm gonna give you because it is about what I wanted to talk about today. It was about
Time. Well, I think I said that to you Erica on the phone the other night: It's about Time. And
I repeated the statement. Then I heard you chuckle from it. Because what I'm saying is ... that
is what we want to talk about today is: we want to talk about Time. Because - It Is About Time.
But it's about Time, ya know like - (in the manner) ... to happen. It is about time.

Okay. What am I really talking about ? I'm talking about why people are here and what they are
doing here. That's basically what we're after. Now I'm going to start to go more into what is inside
the self and what the soul is about and the time that we live in. Okay, so ...

Erica: uh-huh

The first thing that I want to go into is when we did the last show- which is interesting, You and I
we sealed a Thousand years.

Erica: Yes. We did.

Also you and I ... will begin a Thousand years. But we won't begin a Thousand years. Because
the reality is that we've lived two thousand years already and at the point of sealing the second
thousand years we move into the future. And it's the technological age that has never been there
before. So now what we are really talking about is probably the next ten thousand years. If we (as
a human race) get to live that long.

Erica: Yeah ?

Well based on our own deeds- and doings to the earth and people and whatever. Okay but the one
thing that I wanted to bring up - because when we did the show that was the sealing of a Thousand
Years, the end of a Thousand Years, which was the very last week of 1999 I talked much about
people being Special. That you all are very Special. Because the people that were there "in that
time" sealed a Thousand Years. But I thought about it more.

I was walking down the street ... I thought this was very interesting - and we were talking about
the people that were on the earth and on the planet during the Year 2000, in that Grand celebration.
Which I want to talk about that celebration too. But in that Grand celebration there they were
in that year 2000 and they didn't... they didn't realize how Special that they were. Until maybe,
someone got the idea that no one would ever be able to be at that Crossroad - at that juncture -
again for another Thousand Years.
Erica: Right.

So even if you were looking at us in (the year) 2340 -- and saying ... "Wow, you know it must have
been really Cool to be at the beginning" ... of this threshold, what we're talking about- "The Age
of Technology, The Age of Preservation, The Age of Documentation: The Age of Making a
Difference and doing something. It must have been really cool to live back then."

(Now think about it.) (You are) a person in (the year) 2340 looking at this (year 2000 dialogue) and
(You are) saying (to yourself) "wow that was really Cool. And they (Erica and Richard) thought
about us. They knew that we were going to be here in the year 2340 watching them. So they
thought about it and they did it for us."

So okay. (There are people) in the year 2340 and (they) see people like us who are talking about
this and then they are thinking about the fact that we are saying how special this time was (the
year 2000)... but --they realize in 2340 that even the people they know around them will never
have the opportunity to be at the crossroads. (The turning of a Millennium and moreso to have
it documented electronically).

So for those people who were there at that Time (the Year 2000) they were uniquely Special. Each
and every person. Whether they were in New York or whether they were in China. (Whether they
had just been born weeks before or a person 50 years old. They are Special People like no other.
Fondly known through all of Time as "The Millennium Children - The Firstborn.")

And if you look at the History- and I know you know people around the world that didn't even go
by the calendar that we go by which is the B.C. / A.D. calendar, what I call the "business calendar"-
(people) who do not celebrate that calendar...

Erica: celebrated everywhere.

Right ! Worldwide. So one thing I wanted to mention is people have to give credence to the fact
that Nature is Alive. Okay. And it is very important. People really have to understand where they
come from. I talk about "what is Bizarre" ? "Bizarre is a human being coming in to this world from
in between someone's legs." That's bizarre. But Nature went through all of that effort to push the
Human Being out there and to get the Human being there. And I talk about things that are w-a-y
deep within. And I'm talking about Nature. But I'm not just talking about Nature as it being an
element. I'm talking about Nature: being alive. Literally being alive.

Like if we can be a conscious in the body and we have this conscious in this body why is it then that
we can not comprehend that the Earth itself is: a body. It is a whole unit. We live within that unit.
We never go outside of it. Well, if we live within our heads and we have a mind and we think in a
conscious then why can't the Earth -itself- be a body that has a conscious mind and literally thinks ?

And Time matured people and the Earth to a certain point. This Time. The Time that we're in.
Okay now the one thing I wanted to talk about because I think we talked about this a little bit on
the phone- which is, the Time that we're in. Like people don't really look at the Time that they're
in. Some times they do and some times they don't. But they don't really really look at the time that
they're in. If you and I looked at things prior the 20th Century, there is something that they did not
have prior to the 20th Century that everybody has ... which is: Electricity.

This thing that you hear me talk about you can't see it but you use it all the time. And it powers the
things that you need so that you can see. Like the light bulb and everything else. So, but people
don't think what does that mean ? When you think about Time, let's say prior 1900, and I mean go
back- go back as far as the beginning of Time or whatever is recorded History, the one thing that
has never been there is: Electricity. It's been there as a charge ... as the Earth, lightning, and
whatever you see in that structure.

Erica: Right.
And you know we wanted to cover this ... What's funny about it is: when we closed, when you
and I closed a Thousand years, at the end of it when I shut the camera off I was thinking about
something at the camera.

Erica: Right.

My head was down. Remember, I was talking about it ? Well I wasn't talking about it. We
talked about it afterwards. But my head was down and I was thinking about something as I
shut everything off. And when I lifted my head up youuu....

Erica: I took the words out -

Richard: took the words, right

Erica: right out of your mouth-

Richard: Right. And what did you say to me ?

Erica: I said ...
The Music Credit: Talent on page
Peter Gabriel - Red Rain

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