Section 4
Totally Cool ®
The Magazine
The Music Credit:
Falcon Ridge
Dave Carter
Private Stock Records
- courtesy of Jason Reiser -

Section 2
The Magazine
Section 1
On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait ... And Adjust
-- your volume.
Richard david Renda
Editorial Director
ToTaLLy CoOL ®
"The Official Editorial Authority"
Stay Tunes - There is a
way to reach the sky --
copyright 2002
All rights reserved.
A Magazine Alive
Section 4:
outtakes and
Wishing You
Lots of Cheer
Section 3

Party Tips:
1. When you are introduced to
someone new at a party say
their name aloud to help it sink
in your mind. 2. If you get stuck
at a table filled with little kids,
play with them. Try some games
and telling jokes, making sure
they use their party manners.
3. When you are departing, do
not forget to thank your hosts.
Do you have an aunt, an elder,
or young child to buy a gift for ?

When it comes to
the little girls in
your life, when
it comes to dolls --
American Girls are
a well respected
resource on the
planet Earth.
The name you
should know.
ToTaLLy CoOL ®

The MagaZine
This is Kaya
in one of her
This is Isabel.
England 1592.
And this is
Bitty baby,
growing up
(in a highchair).
Discover the magical World of Angelina Ballerina. Help her tumble and twirl,
dream and explore, and be a loving sister to little Polly. Henry, Alice, Polly and
Angelina live with family and friends of America Girl. A doll. The gift that bonds.
Toys for children. The Holiday
Gift. At a local toy store or
Toys R Us. There is a Tower
of toys to choose from.
Rocking Horse
and Pull Cart
for boys and

Every girl likes to have make-up to play
with and a little Cover Girl nail polish
sparkles in their eyes. Featured (at
left) is the Cover Girl "Outlast" all day
lipcolor. Make-up is a good idea as a
gift for females of all ages. Also Make-
up and Cosmetics can be found in
almost any Drug Store, Department
Store, and Specality Store: Worldwide.
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