The Hanging Pipe lighting by Rviv Lifshitz (shown above) have a sort of primitive feel from that of
prior worlds or something way in the future. Table lighting is the cornerstone to seating. Here the table and lighting are joined together for function. These table lamps from Tai & Gome serve as book and newspaper holders also. |
Richard Renda
copyright 2004
All rights reserved.
The MagaZine
Totally |
On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait. And adjust
... your volume.
Section 1:
Stay Tuned. On the road
of what ...
CoOL ® |
Totally Cool ®
The Magazine
outtakes and misc.
A Magazine Alive
Laurie S. Schechter
"World's First Vogue Style Editor"
Editorial Music Credit:
Run To The Sun
Virgin Records
"The Official Editorial Authority"
- An Historical Elvis Moment -
Hang your coat up
over there ! |
WOW Designs
I see the light
and more ... |
Singer Paulina Rubio
aka Tony Soprano
The old Philosophers always say: You Have To Look
Within. Okay, let's look within. |
Sometimes a small idea can change the whole look of your living quarters . The one thing about interior design is:
for it to be good it should be Functional. Lighting is the first thing that affects a room. Of course. At least if you want to see where you are going. Shadows that are cast by lighting sets the mood of the room. And many people like the idea of interior design having an organic quality, something close to nature. We will start with hang lighting. Don't you just love the upside down locks clothing rack ? What a cool idea. Felissimo - 10 West 56th Street , NYC. |
These lighting
designs "Midsummer Lamp" are creations from Artecnica |
images by Richard Renda
Put your drink down on one of the
drink tables from Felissimo and check out the Bear Rug ! Buddinton Bear from Loyal Loot Collective. |
But watch out for that Stampede of Piggies !!! Piggy Banks.
Interior Design. IT IS ALL A BIG PUZZLE.
The Puzzle Carpet is machine woven high and low pile wool panels.
All "Wow Design" Interior furnishings are
available from the Felissimo Design House |
"Official Channels" is a group of lights made of P.V.C. pipe with 3 layers. By
polishing the walls of the pipes the lens of the lights aquire varied texture |
Puzzle Rug Carpet shown with "Calder's Table"
featuring sand cast bronze supports - Ali Tayar. |
Recovery04 | WhatSaySp4 | WhatSaySp04 | 2004SunFun | PansyWorld | 4TwoLips | Orchidfeller | 4MultiColor |
ItsForTheKid | OpSmile | SmileFriends | HardDriveAnd | NatJames04 | WowDesign | RealityIs | 4OnMyPlate | TheWord2004 | Vassarette |