copyright 2004
All rights reserved.
Editorial Music Credit:
Gotham City
R Kelly
Warner Bros. Records
Stay Tuned. On the road
of what happens next ...
Section 1:
Richard Renda
Editorial Director
On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait. And adjust
... your volume.
A Magazine Alive
Laurie S. Schechter
"World's First Vogue Style Editor"
Totally Cool ®
The Magazine
outtakes and misc.
Supporting the cause ... Kwame Jackson from "The Apprentice." Big
"thank yous" goes out to the good people at Harrison Shriftman Public Relations. The Lensman is Richard david Renda. |
CoOL ® |
The MagaZine
Singer Paulina Rubio
aka Tony Soprano
A Whitney Museum
2004 Biennial Celebration
Operation Smile
Since their inaugural mission to the Philippines in 1982 the organization "Operation Smile" has conducted
missions in 25 countries. Some of the other fashion designers (shown above) who donated garments for auction in this good cause are Gai Mattiolo, Lorenza Riva, Blumarune, Egon Von Furstenberg, Fausto Sarli. Our hat is off to these designers and the many others we did not have the space to mention. |
for further information on
this project you can go to |
Images by
Richard Renda |
The Press Corps waiting patiently, in hopes a picture. But of whom ???
That is photog Jennifer Greylock there on the far right. Hey Jen -- |
Oh right ... there you go. Singer Mariah Carey did make the evening event also to show her
support and how much a smile can matter. And how good it can make you feel. |
I can tell you this much -- being on the scene, Mariah did not come to this event because it was a photo op.
She actually arrived later after most of the Press and Television reporters had already departed. Some things are just black and white. It was obvious ... She was there because she cared. That's cool ! |
When that sexy bombshell Mariah Carey throws you a curve, she
really knows how to throw you a curve. Get the picture -- |
The ending of this story would not be complete
without one last smile. This is Jonathan Tisch.
Images by the guardian of cool, Richard Renda.
Recovery04 | WhatSaySp4 | WhatSaySp04 | 2004SunFun | PansyWorld | 4TwoLips | Orchidfeller | 4MultiColor |
ItsForTheKid | OpSmile | SmileFriends | HardDriveAnd | NatJames04 | WowDesign | RealityIs | 4OnMyPlate | TheWord2004 | Vassarette |