copyright 2004
All rights reserved.
ToTaLLy CoOL ®
Totally Cool ®
The Magazine
Richard Renda
outtakes and misc.
On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait. And adjust
... your volume.
A Magazine Alive
Laurie S. Schechter
"World's First Vogue Style Editor"
On the road of what
happens ...
Section 1:
The MagaZine
Editorial Music Credit:
David Weissner
Private Stock Records
Where is the surfboard ? To Catch a Wave. The Hawaiian Pipeline. Now all we need is a
rainbow. You know, to give the journey depth of color. One Rainbow request coming up !

We know there is a big fish out there somewhere.
From Sydney, Australia, we are going to --
where ?
Gennifer Flowers
Joe Franklin
Winter Relief
A Journey Around the World.
In Search of Sun
and Fun
Continuing around the World. From East to West ... In Sydney, Australia.
We found a rainbow. Nice, don't you think ? Winter Relief. Photographs
by David Hebble. Shot on location.
Come on ! Come
with us. Look out
upon the World.
See the gifts given
to you from the
complexity of the
Universe. Beauty.
And a moment to
think. This is the
surface view.
When playing in
deep water -- do
not forget that
thing called "the
We came from the
East. New York
City to Sunset
Cliffs, California.
Then south to San
Diego. We stopped
there longer than
Going West. This is the Hawaiian Pipeline. Ahhh y-e-s. The warmth of
the Sun -- the sound of the Surf. The Power of Mother Nature.
photographs by Mr. David Hebble
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