The SpaceMan Channel .com
- Home of The Original Loop ! -
We take you for A Loop. Through
The Loop. Caught In A Loop. And
some go Loop de Loop. But we
don't go want you to go too Loopy.
Be connected to The Loop. And
You are In The Loop.

" Loop and sandwich, Loop and
sandwich, everybody has a Loop
and sandwich." Sorry ... that was
"Soup and Sandwich." Campbell's
Soup. Another Loop and sandwich.
oh just ignore me. I was having
some fun. That is allowed.
So it is. ...and ... This is:
In The Loop.
The Music Credit ...
Melanie C
Northern Star
Virgin Records
available everywhere.
Synopsis on this tune in
whole and the album:
Melanie C is a fresh breath
of rock, pop, and dance
wrapped tightly together
in one package. On the
move. A good thing to "Go"
in your music collection.
Melanie C does justice to
the word "music" and as a
member of "The Family of
...prophets of
"In The Loop"
- Melanie C -

The Vortex In Time
For A Loop !
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