ToTaLLy CoOL ®
Stay Tuned - There Is
Much more to think about --
The MagaZine
outtakes and misc.
Totally Cool ®
The Magazine
The Music Credit:
Kenny Lattimore
Arista Records

Richard david Renda
Editorial Director
ToTaLLy CoOL ®
"The Official Editorial Authority"
If you get on the Ramp you will see this is not Vogue ... but it sure as well could be. Something Cool going
on here. Can't tell you about it now. (And can't tell you who the people are, for the moment.) There is
an Absolut Secret here also Shhhh, don't tell. What is this ? This is: "The Insider's Insider."
Out and About with Friends at work. And it looks like everybody is doing an excellent job.
This is just a sneak peek. It is all about Creation. To be continued ...
The Fly on The Wall, Richard david Renda
Section 2
The Magazine
Section 1
Section 3
Section 4

copyright 2002
All rights reserved.
A Magazine Alive
On Every Page There Is
A Song. Wait ... And Adjust
-- your volume.
Section 3:
Jill Stuart and ...

her Daughter.
Are we preserving
a picture of you, what
happens in your life ?
Yes we are.

Out and About
with Friends --
Insider's Insider"
Anna Wintour.
Vogue Magazine.
A great Talent.
and a kind Heart.
Many people have had plenty
of things to say about this
woman. Knowing Anna we
would only give you one
priceless piece of advice.
Simple, "you can't stand the
heat, get out of the Kitchen."
The two magic
words are --
No fair Linda. You've got a big
big big smile on. And, I know
why. You knew. (I was just
shooting the frenzy. Didn't
realize until now. Lots of love,
by Richard Renda
In Memory of Alexander Lieberman
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